Heirloom Tomato Carpaccio

I posted this cute little summer time spread on Insta last summer and y’all were so curious about the tomato salad. Fun fact, I have had this recipe in my drafts for nearly a year and totally forgot to hit publish :)

But better late than never! Keep reading to find out how I made this super fresh and easy Summer dish.

You’ll Need:

(modify exact measurements to your liking)

Juicy AF Heirloom Tomatoes



Lemon Zest

Truffle Salt

Black Pepper

Good Olive Oil

Spicy Olive Oil (this is crucial!!!)

  1. Slice your juicy heirloom tomatoes super duper thin. You will need enough to cover the plate.

  2. Crack some fresh black pepper over top and sprinkle with truffle salt.

  3. Slice your shallots super super thin and sprinkle over the tomatoes

  4. Fry your cappers in a pan with a little bit of olive oil until the get slightly crispy. Once ready, add to the plate.

  5. Sprinkle your lemon zest overtop and follow with a generous drizzle of both olive oils.

  6. ENJOY!!

If you try out this recipe, tag me on Insta! I wanna see!!



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