Things That Give Me Serotonin: February Edition

February was a crazy month for me. I started this blog because my job had significantly shifted due to the pandemic and I needed a space to place my creative energy. It has opened doors for me to work with some of my favorite brands and now, it helped me land a full-time position with my favorite clean skincare brand EVER. I want to get settled into the position before sharing too much detail, but I will definitely talk more about it in a bit!

Now, BACK TO YOUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED PROGRAMMING. I wanted to give y’all a little break after my yearly favorites series, but WE’RE BACK WITH THE PRODUCTS THAT GIVE ME SEROTONIN. Keep reading for my favorite finds from the month of February!

Dusen Dusen Robe

PRO TIP: Find products for your everyday routines that spark joy and boost your mood. This robe does just THAT for me. The colors and pattern give me a little boost of serotonin (hence this monthly series) and makes me happy every time I put it on. It is also super plush and cozy for throwing on post shower.

Fridays At The Garden

There is something nostalgic about using a cookbook. Pre-pinterest I was a massive cookbook collector and now I source most of my cooking inspiration from social media, but this cookbook from Flamingo Estate spoke to me. The photos are beautiful and the recipes are simple in terms of preparation, but complex and unexpected in terms of the ingredient combinations. The recipes are organized by season, so you are sure to be cooking with seasonal produce.

Wild Brooklyn Lavender Candle

I am slowly and sadly transitioning out of holiday candle mode, but this candle from DS & Druga is making the shift a little less painful. I LOVE the scent of lavender. It reminds me of my mom and smelling it, instantly soothes me. This candle is my ultimate comfort scent.

Hilma Upset Stomach Relief

Gorgeous gorgeous girls have chronic tummy problems…. I top off almost every single meal with a few Gaviscon tablets. I wanted to shift to something a little more natural so I picked these up. They definitely are not as powerful as Gaviscon but they are what I have been reaching for when I am having a minor acid reflux flare up.

The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah

I have never understood how someone could read a book multiple times, but after reading this book, I get it. The Nightingale tells the story of two sisters in Nazi occupied France. It follows each sisters struggles during WWII and how each helped with the resistance movement. It was powerful, and heartbreaking. I was literally sobbing the entire last 30%. You need to read this.

J. Hannah Nail Polish Set

I am so not a glitter kind of gal, but these glitters hit different. They are fun and funky while still feeling elevated and polished, literally.

Le Labo Lip Balm

I am a major lip balm junkie and while I do love a thick, mask-like lip treatment, sometimes a basic balm, does just the trick. This balm is simple, effective, and HYDRATING. It is also super affordable!



