Be Your Own Valentine

Valentine’s Day is probably the most polarizing of the capitalist/consumerism holidays. I feel like you either totally buy in and go balls to the walls with dinner reservations, huge heart shaped boxes of chocolates, synthetic teddy bears with creepy eyes, you know, the works. Or you avoid the day at all costs because it only reminds you how eternally alone you are…. Personally I don’t mind it. I like to use it as a day for self care, to treat myself, and show myself a little extra love. If you too are spending Valentine’s Day alone or with friends, check out my plans to make it a little less pathetic lol.

Chef It Up

Rather than spending my evening shoulder to shoulder in a jam packed restaurant, I am going to try out a new recipe! I recently picked up the new cookbook from Flamingo Estate, Fridays In The Garden. It is broken up by season, so you are sure to be using ingredients and produce that are fresh and seasonal. I think I am going to make the Crab Stuffed Lobster with a side radicchio salad for myself and a friend!

Meditation Station

I try to meditate several times a week but this Valentine’s Day I am making it a PRIORITY. I do not have the discipline yet to do an unguided meditation (I am working on it tho!) so I like to follow along with prompts for where to direct my thoughts. My favorite guided meditations are on the Melissa Wood Health App.


Whether it is an at home spa day or spoiling myself with a cheeky purchase I will take any excuse to treat myself. This Valentine’s Day I am planning on doing THE MOST. I’m talking hair mask, face mask, nail polish, self tanner, EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING TO MAKE ME FEEL BRAND SPANKIN’ NEW.

Social Media Detox

As much as we may try to stay in our own lane, it is easy to compare yourself to what you see on social media. I am going to set myself up for success and stay off of my socials on Valentine’s Day and instead reach for my book. I am currently reading The Nightengale and LOVING IT. (full review coming in my upcoming favorites!)





How To Cook The PERFECT French Omelette