I take my self care rituals very seriously and taking care of my skin is a major mood booster. Carving out a little bit of time for some self care is guaranteed time for me to just zone out and show myself some love. I think we can all agree that when it comes to skincare, we prioritize our mugs, but let us not forget that the skin on our bodies needs some TLC as well! Keep reading to learn more about my two favorite body care rituals!

Body Plane

Body planning is new to me, but after trying it, I immediately implemented it into my body care routine. It is yucky yet satisfying. You think you're all squeaky clean after hopping out of the bath or shower? Well think again…. The Body Plane will tell you otherwise by scrapping off all of the dirt and grime that is left on your skin even after a solid shower session. You simply apply your body oil of choice (I love the Esker Firming Body Oil) to your damp skin after bathing. Then, in an upwards motion glide the Body Plane over your limps and torso, wiping the excess oil off on a towel as you go. What you’ll see will surprise you but what you’re left with is smooth, nourished and clean skin.

Dry Brush

Dry brushing is a way more widely known self care ritual. Dry brushing lightly exfoliates and sweeps away dead skin to reveal glowing and smooth skin. Before hopping in the bath or shower, use the dry brush on your dry skin. Starting at your feet, gently brush in small upward strokes towards your heart. You can also work the brush into your skin using a circular motion. Brush for three to five minutes for optimal awakening and energizing benefits!

Sometimes, especially before using a self tanner and in order to prep my skin, I do both of these methods. The dry brush before hopping in the shower, and the body plane after getting out to make sure my skin is deeply hydrated before applying the self tan. I love both of these body care rituals. The offer some different results but overall, both leave me skin feeling smooth, cleansed, energized and healthy!



It’s Okay To Be Sensitive: Act & Acre Edition


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