I Tested Literally Every Natural Deodorant Ever So You Don’t Have To And Here’s What Works For Me
Making the switch to non-toxic products is a daunting task so I’d suggest starting with your pittys. It may seem mundane but for women especially, it is so important to not put any unnecessary toxic ingredients on your arm pits because those glands are so close to your boobies, and lots of ingredients in conventional deodorants and antiperspirants, have been linked to breast cancer. Lots of people shy away from switching to natural deodorants because “they don’t work”. But I find thats not true, you just have to put in the work to find what works for your bodies chemistry! Your body does take a minute to adjust to the less aggressive ingredients and produce less body odor. But what better time to make the switch than when we’re trapped in our homes and don't have to be around other humans!! I have tired legit every deodorant on the market. I’ve scoured the isles of everywhere from Target to Whole Foods to Sephora and narrowed down my favorite deodorants that I rotate between!