It’s Okay To Be Sensitive: Hair Edition

If you have been following me since the birth of my blog, you would have heard me bitch once or twice (or incessantly) about my sensitive/itchy scalp. I actually think my scalp sensitivities are hereditary because my mom struggles in this area as well. However, I know we are not alone because when I post about this issue I receive tons of messages and comments with similar outcries. Needless to say, I have been on quite the journey to find haircare products that are cleansing without stripping my touchy scalp, and I believe I have found some products that you guys will love if you also struggle with itchy/sensitive scalp!

Necessaire Shampoo and Conditioner

If i have said it once, I have said it a million times…. I AM A SCENT SNOB! I loveeeee all the warm, herbal, fresh scents but when it comes to hair care, I have come to find that less is more. My scalp does not take kindly to heavily fragranced products. This shampoo and conditioner is great if your scalp is in need of a total refresh. It is 100% fragrance free, it doesn’t even include essential oils. It deeply cleans my hair without leaving it feeling dry and stripped.

HiBar Maintain Shampoo and Conditioner

I have had a hard time finding a clean hair care line with a nice price tag for some time and have finally found it! HiBar is a solid shampoo and conditioner bar and is 100% sustainably made. I was unsure about the application process but was pleasantly surprised! I thought that they bars would slip and slide but they’re designed in such a way that they mold to your hand with ease, making it totally easy to rub into your ends and scalp. The product itself has no artificial fragrances and is gently scented using natural essential oils. I pick mine up from Whole Foods!

Crown Affair Renewal Mask

This is the only hair mask that I have repurchased time and time again. Other hair masks feel like a glorified conditioner but this feels like a full blown treatment. It hydrates my hair without gunking it up. I use it on my ends and mid-lengths every Sunday in conjunction with my next favorite!

Bread Mud Mask

This mud mask has kind of been a game changer for my scalp… I apply it directly to my scalp along with the Renewal Mask on my ends and let it soak in for about 20-30 minutes before hopping in the shower. My scalp feels detoxed and refreshed and is ready for the week ahead! Use code JANE15 for money off of your Bread Beauty Supply order!

Jupiter Gotta Get Set

My hair and scalp loved this duo! I am a night showerer for the most part and I was finding that the base of my scalp would itch like crazy when I went to bed. I tried a few fragrance-free shampoos and conditioners that would alleviate the itch, but they didn’t do wonders for my actual hair. The “Gotta Get” set isn’t fragrance-free but it is free of artificial additives that can lead to irritation. There is a very light minty scent due to the Cornmint oil that penetrates beyond the scalp's surface, and it is able to stimulate the hair follicles and facilitate blood circulation to promote the growth of stronger and healthier hair. The shampoo and conditioner are jam-packed with nourishing ingredients like squalene, zinc, oatmeal and coconut oil to treat and repair the scalp. It leaves my hair feeling clean without any itch or irritation. If you have a sensitive scalp like me, you’ll love this line!

Bread Scalp Serum

I use this mid week to maintain my scalps current harmony. I have zero scalp itch currently thanks to these hero products! I apply it to my scalp at night and it dries down so that I can comfortably sleep, then I wash it out the following morning. My scalp feels happy and refreshed and I have found that my hair looks and feels thicker since using this serum! Use code JANE15 for money off of your Bread Beauty Supply order!

Crown Affair The Ritual Set

I squealed when Crown Affair finally released a shampoo and conditioner. I had a feeling my hair and scalp would love it the same way I’ve loved the rest of their products and this set DID NOT DISAPPOINT! Its is an uncomplicated formula that promises clean and healthy hair and I couldn’t agree more. It has their signature Crown Affair scent, which is light enough that it doesn’t irritate my scalp at all.



Things That Give Me Serotonin: October Edition


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